What it consists of
Dedicated streaming guarantees guaranteed and exclusive resources. The User will have it available
up to 3 dedicated mountpoints, all the bandwidth guaranteed by the provider and all the VPS storage.
1 Ubuntu or Centos
It depends on the panel you want, Azuracast uses Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, SonicPanel uses Centos 7 instead!
Do you provide assistance?
Yes, assistance is included in the price.
What panel is offered?
Based on the customer's choice of AzuraCast or SonicPanel, Sonicpanel has an extra monthly license fee of 16 Euros.
HTTPS of Streaming?
Both SonicPanel and Azuracast panels support HTTPS streaming.
2 Are Backups performed?
Our technicians will perform periodic backups every 15 days on our systems. However, a personal backup is recommended
always updated.
Activation times?
Our service activation times are short, maximum 6 hours.
Who is this service for?
For those streaming realities with high listeners traffic, our dedicated streaming vps services guarantee
over 1000 visitors at the same time at 320kbyte quality.
I Nostri Datacenter
I nostri servizi streaming audio e video sono situati in Europa, con backup ridodanti prevenendo dei disaster recovery.